
By Max Hermann Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud […]

Be Prepared

By Patricia Cori Are you prepared for an emergency? Power outages, flood damage, panic community behaviors at the stores? Truth is even a few days without heat and electricity, food and water, can be life-threatening. Here is a list of essentials I’ve compiled from my own experience last winter, and from friends in the FB clan. Do what you […]

Galactic Visions

by Kurt Rampley From long-time friend, Kurt Rampley, these two provocative drawings. The first, to the left, he entitled “space face,” which he says just “came to him.” The second he describes as a “human descending to a dual starred planet,” a vision of how our race could be “spread through space in never ending forms.”

Love Letter to the Earth

By Peter Brightman There is a wonderful small book with a big message written by Thich Nhat Hanh called “Love Letter to the Earth”, which has inspired me to write this blog. Most of us live our daily lives without much thought to Mother Earth – we get up, have a shower (those of us […]

Listen to the Music of the Earth

By Patricia Cori What if someone told you that every living creature on the planet plays a part in some unheard but incredible symphony of the very Earth itself, and that the music of Homo sapiens is just a drop in the orchestral ocean? For over a decade I have been singing this message to my readers. The world […]

The Amazing Story of J-Rod 52 the Alien

Excerpts taken from the book – Beyond Area 51 by Mack Malone You may have read or seen video footage about the alleged alien “ambassador,” who called himself J-Rod, who was one of two surviving Greys captured when their craft crashed in Kingman, Arizona, in the early fifties. The photo above is said to be one of […]