About Patricia Cori

Patricia Cori
Dr. Michio Kaku, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Stanton Friedman, Jim Marrs, Hon. Paul Heller, and more recently with Dr. Michael Salla, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco, Kevin Jenkins and Dr. Christiane Northrup. She has been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast a.m., the Washington Times, Project Camelot, WABC, Exopolitics, GAIA TV, Veritas Radio and Playboy Radio. She has also appeared in documentary films as herself.
Her hard-hitting new book, HACKING THE GOD CODE: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul, just released October 2022, delves into crucial issues facing humankind and the planet today, to include the global “pandemic” and resulting emergency injection campaign/ experiment, the transhumanist agenda to merge biological humans with AI, the disruption of our DNA, the attempt to strip the God Code from our Divine Blueprint, and the impending roll-out of the Mark of the Beast. It expands on Big Pharma and its deliberate decimation of the health of humanity, and the absolute threat of the NWO and its eugenics plans for taking down the entire planetary civilization. She invites people to “stare into the eyes of the beast,” so that it cannot hold power over us all.
A self-described “truth warrior,” Patricia pulls out all the stops in this controversial new work, intent upon striking at the root, as she has done for most of her life, to help people understand the world around them – and how they can affect change for themselves and for all whose lives they touch. To do that, says Cori, we must all be willing to question authority and look beyond the narrative that is being fed to people around the world.
She is a determined optimist, a seeker, and a fighter for unity and the positive outcome. She describes herself a “grounded visionary,” inviting her devoted followers and readers to “gaze into the darkness without fear,” in order to transform it into the greatest good for all living beings.
Her incredible list of previous best-selling works, includes:
The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-up Call for Humanity
Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light
No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook to Starseed Awakening
Beyond the Matrix: Daring Conversations with the Brilliant Minds of Our Times
The Starseed Dialogues: Soul Searching the Universe
Transition Now: Redefining Duality 2012 and Beyond (co-author)
The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond (co-author)
Where Pharaohs Dwell: One Mystic’s Journey Through the Gates of Immortality
Before We Leave You: Messages From the Great Whales and the Mighty Dolphin Being
The Emissary – a Novel
The Sirian Starseed Tarot
The Sirian Seal: A Starseed Tool of Transformation
Heaven is Here Beneath a Tree – A Book of Poems
In recent years, Patricia has also lent her extraordinary passion and gift for writing to the field of screenwriting, for which she has won awards and currently enjoys several projects in development, with one currently in pre-production, to be made into a major motion picture.
“Patricia Cori is phenomenal!
Her extraordinary vision and the way she communicates her truth to her readers will make her a staple in every library.”
Donald Newsom, President, BBS Radio Network, Inc.