Best selling books
by Patricia Cori
new release!
Hacking the God Code
Civilization is careening into a dystopian transhumanist rewrite of global society and the future of humanity, penned by a tyrannical New World Order: the Great Reset. With the onset of Covid-19 and all that has played out since early 2020, Big Pharma and High Tech have seized our lives in the most evil of ways. They do not intend to let go, until their nightmare agenda to merge human beings with Artificial Intelligence-Human 2.0-has revolutionized everything about our lives, enslaved us and possessed our world. It isn’t a “theory” anymore – it’s a global conspiracy.
The Cosmos of Soul
Book One of the Classic Trilogy, The Sirian Revelations, channeled teachings from the Speakers of the Sirian High Council, a committee of six-dimensional beings dedicated to the transformation of human consciousness, The Cosmos of Soul awakens us to our capacity to affect and alter the destiny of the human race and Earth itself, guiding us in transforming fear into positive action-as individuals, and as members of a greater family of conscious beings. We are protected and assisted, we learn, by beings from beyond our three-dimensional reality, guardians dedicated to assist in the transformation of human consciousness so that we may step into our role as citizens of the galactic community. In this first of the trilogy, we are inttroduced to these guardians, the Sirians, and their astounding message of hope and transformation.
Atlantis Rising
no more secrets, no more lies
Book Three of the classic Sirian Revelations Trilogy, No More Secrets, No More Lies uncovers more layers of the onion – the untruths that have kept humankind from realizing its full potential and empowerment, while guiding readers as awakening “starseeds.” recipients of the immense love that pours through to Earth from the higher realms of Creation. Who really rules the Universe? What is death – what is ascension? Do simultaneous realities exist – and are we present in more than one? What are the designs of the Secret Government and their New World Order? Channeled in 1998 and released soon after in its first edition, the book addresses these questions, serving as an essential guide out of our maze of fear and powerless at this pivotal time-a time that clairvoyant Patricia Cori declare to be the apex-point of our evolution.
the starseed dialogues
In this latest work, The Starseed Dialogues, the Sirians respond to questions posed to Patricia from readers world over. How are we shifting as ascending human beings? Will the dramatic Earth Changes and geophysical catastrophes affect our evolution? What can we glean from the mysterious worlds of Agharta, Atlantis, and the mysteries of Egypt?
Always, the Speakers message is one of hope and empowerment: we must release our fear of what we understand to be the future in order to experience, in the now, the true transformation of human consciousness. This is the pathway and the passing of our journey into a new light for Planet Earth: an age of truth, liberation and love everlasting.
The emissary
Hacking the God Code
A review by Andy Thomas
Patricia Cori is a renowned voice in the world of what some might term ‘love and light’ thinking. Her tour-de-force presentations, writings and channellings have undoubtedly inspired many people around the world to rethink personal paths and put positive thinking at the forefront of their lives. But Patricia has never been a lightweight when it comes to sharing her thoughts on what also needs to be put right in the world and in her new book, Hacking the God Code, the gloves have truly come off.
This powerful and pointedly frank treatise squarely faces the major challenges of our age and Patricia does not hesitate to call out the dark agendas which she sees as leading humankind in a highly dangerous direction. Some well-meaning spiritual advisors refuse to directly engage with more worrying developments through fear of becoming infected with ‘negativity’ – but far more negativity is likely to result from failing to clearly identify the tyrannical forces we are up against. Love and light is a marvellous thing, but it needs both protecting and directing to have its full effect, and Patricia should be congratulated for explicitly taking on some of the very dubious control programs we are up against today – programs falsely sold to the public as positives.
This book galvanizes its readers to see what may really be going on in these tumultuous times and encourages them to take action in their own lives to help fight a battle Patricia views as the equivalent of the long-awaited ‘Armageddon’ – the ultimate conflict of good versus evil. None of us may want this battle but, she argues, it may be upon us nonetheless and sitting on our hands wearing fake smiles will be no solution. Directly addressing the darkness, as well as celebrating the light – which this book very much does in true Corian style – will help bring victory.
A substantial and passionate introduction – which almost serves as a book in its own right – sets out the stall clearly and the following chapters elaborate from there, taking in many important areas: the New World Order and its divide-and rule policies; the unwise control that the big media companies have over us; cancel culture and the crushing of anything that challenges orthodoxy; the frightening path towards transhumanism (the blending of biology and technology, a plan promoted by the establishment as our golden journey towards the ‘internet of bodies’), and the misuses of the Covid scare to pull us under the yoke of powerful authoritarian bodies who, in turn, appear to want control of our actual bodies.
Controversially, but without apology, Patricia sees the introduction of the new mRNA vaccines spread around the world with astonishing rapidity (through the fear we all had that our lives might be in danger without them) as a possible attack on our very DNA – the titular ‘God code’ – intended to cut us off from our higher spiritual natures and leave us as robotic and easily-controlled empty vessels, or, as Patricia puts it: “to have our human genome altered and reconstructed in such a way as to turn us into a new “hackable” semi-human, robotic species, controlled and operated through the “cloud” of computer central.”
The earlier chapters do not make for comfortable reading but they are not meant to be, as Patricia makes a bold call to arms and refuses to give in to the usual boundaries of New Age thinking or to the inevitable wrath this book will bring from those wedded to conventional medical or social strictures. As she says herself: “I am a rebel of sorts. I have never been obedient to anyone or anything, and I do not intend to start now.”
Throughout this daring journey of revelations, Patricia also shares her views on the possibility of fake alien invasions being used to corral public opinion, the dangers of ‘chemtrails’ and geo-engineering, the hidden threats of the ‘Great Reset’ and the quandaries posed by Artificial Intelligence. All these areas will be used by detractors to dismiss it as ‘conspiracy theory’, naturally, but this derogatory term is now used far too often to slam down those who dare question things that almost certainly do need questioning.
Happily, in Part Two of the book – inevitably shorter than Part One because answers are generally more straightforward than separating out the complex problems once we all commit to them – Patricia supplies more than enough positive ways in which we can avoid being caught in the establishment matrix and instead play our roles in reversing the current war against freedom. Here, she emboldens us to moderate the use of technologies that can be misused against us and shares some of her fascinating experiences in crop circles, her thoughts on some of the hopes offered by the Aquarian Age, helpful communications from her Sirian channels, and the importance of reconnecting with our spiritual selves to create balancing sacred spaces in our lives.
For all the powerful material of the preceding chapters, Patricia knows the wisdom of leaving her readers with straightforward practical measures to help fortify their spiritual gifts. The book therefore closes with a series of thoughtful, inspirational meditations and visualisations, including one to scan our own DNA and keep it vibrant and free no matter what influences we are surrounded by, helping us to retain our personal sovereignty for the road ahead. As Patricia says: “At long last, peace shall prevail.”
Hacking the God Code is a bold, remarkable statement that stands out in a world of spiritual platitudes that too often pretend threats are not there – an avoidance that only leads to yet more abuse and manipulation of the human race. This book is as brave and honest as it is well written and lucid, and will introduce some crucial subjects and methods of protection to seekers who may somehow have managed to avoid facing them thus far. This is no longer a time to keep our heads down, lest the ‘negative’ eventually comes for us … Peace will indeed prevail if we all play our part and Patricia provides a vital service by awakening her readers in many directions, opening their eyes while leaving them fully empowered to stride forward in confidence and with hope.
Andy Thomas is one of the world’s leading mysteries researchers and the author of books including The New Heretics, Conspiracies and The Truth Agenda, as well as five books on the crop circle phenomenon, including Vital Signs and An Introduction to Crop Circles. He lectures around Britain and the world and has made numerous TV and radio appearances.