Hacking the God Code: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul
Five Stars on Amazon!
Civilization is careening into a dystopian transhumanist rewrite of global society and the future of humanity, penned by a tyrannical New World Order: the Great Reset. With the onset of Covid-19 and all that has played out since early 2020, Big Pharma and High Tech have seized our lives in the most evil of ways. They do not intend to let go, until their nightmare agenda to merge human beings with Artificial Intelligence-Human 2.0-has revolutionized everything about our lives, enslaved us and possessed our world. It isn’t a “theory” anymore – it’s a global conspiracy.
How do they achieve this malevolent goal? First, they must hack the God Code to remove the light within us: the Divine Blueprint. Then, they can splice into our DNA any code, messenger or numerical mark they deem superior to our natural, God given essence, and steal our souls.
Take a deep dive into the unfolding reality surrounding Covid-19, the “vaccine” mandates, and all that they have done to mutate our lives, destroy our health, and undermine our social order. Patricia Cori pulls out all the stops in this probing, eye-opening book, exposing the darkness and, then, as she always does, offering solutions: to heal and activate the DNA, to find the empowerment to fight back, and to manifest a clear direction for all light warriors to stand in the light of their sovereignty.
This is Armageddon-the war of darkness and light. And we will win it.
Because we must.
Every now and then a book comes across my desk that is spectacular – and that everybody needs to read. Hacking the God Code is perfect from beginning to end! I’ll be telling people about this book for the next ten years!”
-Meria Heller, The Meria Heller Show
“Patricia Cori discusses this very real evil called “Hacking the God Code.” And for those who think such talk is all nonsense and conspiracy theory, think again. Great book! I hope you pick up a copy…”
Cheryl Chumley
The Washington Times
“Informative, timely and accurate….”
Joshua Lane, Radio Host
Here’s to Your Health Radio
“Patricia Cori is one of my favorite authors of all time and I’ve read all her books. (She’s) very articulate, can be very analytical, and there’s a very very deep side that goes way down the rabbit hole. She helped take me down some rabbit holes that I found fascinating. I feel this is her best work yet, which is phenomenal. It’s the perfect timing for material that’s needed, and I think it’s going to help a lot of people.”
Michael Jaco, Former Navy Seal and CIA Operative
Host of Unleashing Intuition Secrets
“… A fantastic read! It covers so many different areas. You’ll want to go get a copy. I highly recommend it!”
Dave Barnett, Host of Dave the Mystic
“It’s a wonderful book, packed with information … a buffet of food for thought!”
Robert Sharpe, Host of Bringing Inspiration to Earth
“The wholesale elevation of humanity from its torpor, within an ancient galactic sleep-cycle, has been the cross borne by Patricia Cori for many years. The zenith of her great task of heroic authorship is exemplified by this axiomatic work: Hacking the God Code: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul.”
Sacha Stone. Activist, Public Speaker, Writer, and Film Maker
Founder of the World Health Sovereignty Summit
“A fascinating book! You’re going to want to pick up a copy…”
Richard Dugan, Host of Tell Me Your Story
“We can add Patricia Cori to the growing list of leading personalities outspoken about the fact that humanity faces a fork in the road, involving ascending “organic ascension: vs descending AI takeover.”
The Global Village Institute