Sacred Opportunities/ Magical Journeys

How would you like to connect with ancient wisdom hidden in the Earth’s most sacred sites, guided by a spiritual teacher intimately familiar with the secrets of Egyptian tombs, Mayan temples and sacred mountain peaks of the Inca? Are you ready to walk into a crop circle in the fields of Wiltshire, experiencing the temporary temples of what may very well be the most important interdimensional experience currently available to humanity? Take yourself to the sacred sites of this Earth now. I would love to have you join me and reconnect with the soul family who will form the group of seekers who chose to walk that path. A mystical, life-altering experience awaits you.

I lead about three mystical pilgrimages every year as part of my SoulQuest™ Journeys, guiding spiritual travelers to ancient temples, pyramids, tombs and other sacred sites in Egypt, England, Mexico, Peru Bosnia, and wherever mystery awaits. We work with shamans and indigenous people who hold the wisdom in these mystical sites, approaching them as initiates and seekers. We connect with supernatural forces, spirits and ancient messengers, seeking to unlock the gates between the veils. We swim with dolphins, asking to learn their messages for humanity and to feel the joy of their evolved experience. And everywhere, we rediscover our ancient lives, where we realize we have walked many millennia before.

Ours is a beautiful world, full of mystery, wisdom and beauty – waiting for you to taste of the magic, and the wonder. Join me and other like-minded souls as we attune to the pulse of nature: of all that has come before – and the splendor of our human experience, unfolding.

2020 Programs and Plans

Details of the next Remembering Atlantis journey, including itinerary and registration information, are now available on my sacred journey page (please set link here). The journey includes a one day intensive activation workshop with Patricia, followed by swims with wild dolphins in the open ocean, sailing with the whales and exploring your Atlantean memory. Meanwhile, take note of the dates! May 30-June 6, 2020. We are almost sold out on this already, one year out! So please move quickly.

Immediately following this program (which allows for people coming from long distances to be able to do both, if they desire) is my first trip to the Bosnia Pyramid, where we will be privileged to have private time with archeologist and discoverer of the pyramid DR. SAM OSMANAGICH. June 8-14, 2020. Register now


“Patricia, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great work you did (mostly unnoticed in the background) to hold our group energy in the light and to get the most possible transformations out of our journey. The “me” that left the Azores is not the same like the “me” that had arrived there 14 days before. I could not imagine what great opportunities to learn and to evolve were waiting there for me. This was the most life changing adventure I ever had experienced before. Reading each of your books and the journey with you to Egypt in 2011 was also life changing. And as I am here again at home, reflecting and absorbing what has happened during this adventure it frequently takes my breath away… and my dream of swimming with my beloved dolphins in the open sea, now it has come true. Thank you Q`iquoq`I for sharing your love with us – I love you!

(last name withheld for privacy)